Oncoplasty In The Treatment Of Breast Cancer

Oncoplasty In The Treatment Of Breast Cancer

Today, women undergoing surgery for breast cancer should be monitored by a team consisting of doctors and specialists from different specialties. In particular, the specialized breast team, “Breast Unit”, should consist of a breast oncologist, a plastic surgeon (if deemed necessary), a radiologist, a radiation therapist, a chemotherapist, a psychologist, a pathologist and a nutritionist.

The demand in oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer is an excellent oncological result but also a very satisfactory aesthetic result. To achieve this double goal, many different techniques are used, the choice of which depends on many factors, such as the location of the cancer – in the most part of the breast – the dimension of the tumor, its histological type and the identity of the cancer, which follows from the histological result. The specialist breast surgeon must be specialized in certified Breast Units where more than 150 cancer patients are operated on annually and must know the newest and most advanced techniques of breast surgery at an international level.