
Research does not stop at further improving the breast cancer's prognosis, the most common form of cancer. Advances in breast surgery techniques, monoclonal antibody therapies, conjugated monoclonal antibodies, immunotherapy, lower dose chemotherapy, targeted therapies (target therapy) are the future of breast cancer's treatment. The scientific community...

I made the decision to write this article after a common question I am asked by new breast cancer patients I have operated on. Fortunately, they feel close to me and that's why they ask me anything that concerns them. Breast cancer and sexuality are...

Proper nutrition is important not only to prevent breast cancer, but also to reduce the risk of recurrence. A healthy diet can therefore become a perfect ally in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, helping the patient feel better while limiting the side effects...

Diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage is one of the most important factors that significantly contribute to reducing the percentage of patients undergoing chemotherapy. At the same time, genetic molecular tests and the specialized knowledge of the oncologist play a particularly important role. Women with...