The Importance of the Experience of the Breast Surgeon – Mammologist in a Certified Breast Center of European and International Standard

The Importance of the Experience of the Breast Surgeon – Mammologist in a Certified Breast Center of European and International Standard

The breast surgeon – mammologist Dr. Ioanna Galanou has many years of experience at the distinguished and certified Breast Center, at the European Oncology Center Regina Elena IFO in Rome (Clinical Trial Center), of European and international standard, surgically treating numerous cases of breast cancer.

What does Breast Unit ῞Breast Unit῝ mean?

  • At the Breast Centers, the patient with breast cancer is accompanied by specialized scientists who have experience and deep knowledge in the field of breast cancer, following European and international standards.
  • The patient is monitored by a team of doctors (breast surgeon-mammologist, oncologist, radiologist, radiation therapist, nutritionist, psychologist, pathologist) without being required to seek them out herself.
  • The breast unit has a high level of organization with specific scientific criteria and the staff is constantly updated on advanced treatments and techniques.
  • There is participation of doctors in clinical studies applying the most advanced treatments for the treatment of breast cancer.
  • Immediate diagnosis, treatment, surgery and post-operative follow-up.

What can the Breast Center offer?

For a woman without breast cancer and without heredity, the following can be done:

  • Breast cancer prevention by encouraging women to acquire a healthy lifestyle through informative activities.
  • Mammological assessment with diagnostic tests such as e.g. mammogram, ultrasound or MRI. The machines must be of high technology and the radiologists specialized in the subject of the breast.

For a woman without breast cancer but with a high hereditary risk:

  • Genetic counseling is necessary for early diagnosis and the existence of psychological support.

For a woman with early stage breast cancer

  • Comprehensive patient care, from diagnosis to treatment, following the most modern methods.

For a woman with advanced breast cancer

  • Decisions are made, after an oncology council by specialized scientists, for the individualized treatment of the patient.
  • Any complications are immediately resolved.

Decisions about oncology treatment, surgical oncology and breast reconstruction, radiation therapy, radiological examinations are made by a team of specialized scientists of different specialties with extensive experience in the breast.


Why is it important for a woman with breast cancer to be treated at a Breast Center and operated by a specialized breast surgeon?

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death between the ages of 35-50. It is important to emphasize that women treated in certified breast units by specialized scientists have higher survival rates (18%) compared to women treated in non-certified centers.




Vrijens F, Stordeur S, Beirens K, Devriese S, Van Eycken E, Vlayen J. Effect of hospital volume on processes of care and 5-year survival after breast cancer: a population-based study on 25000 women. Breast. 2012 Jun;21(3):261-6.

A.R. M. Wilson, L. Marotti, S. Bianchi et al “The requirements of a specialist Breast Centre” EJC (2013) 49, 3579-3587 Blamey RW, Cataliotti L, EUSOMA: The requirements of a specialist breast unit (revised version);in Perry N (ed)